Founder NGL®logo-crop

Allen started NGL®logo-crop to respond to the pressing need to develop our next generation. Allen wears a variety of hats: strategist, facilitator, coach, team builder, organization designer, and educator. His collaborative, energetic and creative style builds commitment and leads to innovative problem solving

Allen will co-host the Summit. He will focus on the predictable ‘passage points’  Millennials will face as they take on increasingly complex roles, and how to build in more ‘heat’ to their leadership development.

Entrepreneurs and Leadership Focus

The summit will have a open forum discussion from some of our speakers and members of the leadership committee at 5pm in the exhibit hall. Stop by the exhibit hall then and speak with some of our vendors and exhibitors who offer products and serivces for startups, new business and established small businesses. Refreshments including light snacks, wine, beer and coffee will also be served.